I’ve lost my memory card with last week’s pictures. GRRRRR. Sadly, with me it could be anywhere. My mind is to scatterbrained to leave anything where it belongs, e.g. The car was searched last night for the memory card. In the car, I found: a trophy, an alien kid’s toy, 5 ketchup packets, a balloon, a spare set of keys to my car, and 2 pennies. I’m working on organization…starting next week (ha!).
So, while I’m frantically searching my life for this little memory card, I’ll leave you with a funny story. Warning: it’s a tad bit crass. If you have a kid reading over your shoulder, and you don’t wish to define a couple of crass anatomical words, you may wish to come back later. Both uses of the words were said by mistake & it’s real life-which is why I’m blogging it. Here goes.
I recently was pleased with myself about something. Michael, in response and in jest, was quick to deflate my excitement. I was trying to say “Don’t rain on my parade” but mixed in the phrase “Don’t steal my thunder” to retort, “Don’t rain on my thunder!” We laughed about my mistake then reminisced about a time when Michael’s mistake was far greater.
Michael was preaching a sermon and tried to tell a story about someone who was excited. He meant to say either “He lost his mind!” or “He went nuts!” But instead, it came out as “He lost his nuts!” The predominantly older congregation missed the hilarity of the statement. But the younger crowd around me enjoyed a snicker-fest.
There was also another sermon where Michael made up a word to describe Zaccheus being short in stature– ‘wee-ness.’ Yeah, that one didn’t quite come out as he expected. I’ll skip the pronunciation. You figure it out…
…All of the above instances bring me to this video. I laugh every time I see it. Not just because of what is said, but the FACE that the man makes shortly after he realizes his mistake. Oh, how I would have loved to be in the service that day!
We’ve all had those times in which we have misspoken. I think my WORST was when I walked into the exercise room of a hotel. I meant to encourage the lady who was diligently exercising with, “You look like you’re doing what I need to be doing!!!” But instead I insulted her with, “You look like you’re doing what you need to be doing!”
Do you have any funny embarrassing word mix-ups to share? Or a time when your mouth unexpectedly has gotten you into trouble?