‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse (computer, that is.)
The stockings weren’t hung by the chimney with care,
Because this scatterbrained mother had pulled out her hair.
Children were running amuck in the house;
Visions of peace, long ago doused.
For mamma had tried to get organized
But ancient technology made her cross-eyed.
When out of the router arose such a clatter,
It took infinity to upload her matter.
Her darn dang computer started to smoke,
And tears and cursing it finally provoked.
Away to the computer she ran like a flash,
To http://bit.ly/BDIntelGive & http://intel.ly/IntelSite she went for new stash!
With a stroke of luck, so lively and quick,
She hoped and prayed that she would be picked!
Now Facebook! Now BlogFrog! Now Blissful! Now Twitter!
Now Tumblr! Now Google! Now LinkedIn! Now Flickr!
Her technology makeover helped her organize life
And her lagging computer was no longer her strife.
She sprang to her kids, got them straight into bed,
And hung all the stockings, the green and the red.
Her life became ordered; she often would yell
“Merry Christmas to all, and THANK YOU, Intel!”