The twins will be here in less than two and a half weeks and I don’t know that I’ll ever fully be ready. However, ready or not, I have no choice and my life will take on a certain new type of craziness for an indefinite amount of time. I’m trying my best to gear myself up for the craziness that is bound to ensue shortly, but I know I’ll never really be ready.
Being pregnant with twins, I’ve noticed that people, strangers and friends alike, take more liberties in what they feel is permissible to say to my large and bulbous condition. The other day I was on my way to the hospital for a non-stress test. Being ‘high risk’ because of the twins, the hospital has recently become my second home. I was waiting for the elevator to go to the maternity floor for my testing and as a family approached, I heard the elderly mom lean to her adult daughter and exclaim, “Oh. W.O.W.” As if my big belly somehow also impedes my ability to hear.
I don’t take things too personally, but I do find it amazing that people think that because you’re pregnant they can ask all sorts of nosey questions and drop comments regarding your ever-growing size. And when they find out that you’re pregnant with TWINS, they suddenly are magically granted license for an additional barrage of more nosey comments and inquiries. “Wow! You’re huge!” “Do twins run in your family?” “Were you taking fertility drugs?” “Can I rub your belly?” “You’re about to pop!” So, as a way to make me feel better about life, I had a little shirt made up to answer any questions before they’re asked in these final days of pregnancy.
Maybe I should just make it my uniform during the remainder of my pregnancy. You know, cover all my bases so I can avoid having to answer the same questions one more time. And if you’ve asked or commented on one of the items addressed on my t-shirt, truly, no worries. Just something fun for me to create because, heaven knows, the comments won’t stop after they come, either. Maybe then, I’ll just need to order another t-shirt.