I love babies.
I love when family has babies.
Congrats (way late-because that’s how I roll!)!
My Family, Hip Hip Hooray!
Probably 4 out of 5 people in America would claim that their family is the best. I, however, have proof, which only 8 out of the rest of America can effectually validate.
Regardless of how random we are called to act, my family knows how to have a good time.
Dive, Laura, Dive!
We were all together this weekend. Thanks to the SURPRISE of ROSS & LAURA, the SURPRISE of STERLING, and the ingeniousness/generosity of GRIFFIN in helping Sterling complete the biggest surprise in Meyers’ history.
When we’re together, life is wonderful. Laura instigated a walk. Maren, the walking fog horn, rounded the troops. The troops participated willingly (or with a smile, at least…) & Mom, the spontaneous one, called the photo shots.
There were about 2 seconds to get in position before mom snapped the next picture.
And sometimes that wasn’t much time…
And that my friends, is why I love my family. Because we are anything but normal. The proof is in the picture…and you can thank me for not exposing the wedgy I was receiving and the wad of pink striped underwear that Michael had in hand.
I appreciate my ‘special’ family. And now, you’ll have to agree, that you’ve seen the proof of the best family. Now only 1 in 5 Americans will claim their family is the best, because from the pictures, they’ve clearly been outdone.
Ultimate & Family
This weekend was comprised of Muddy Cleats, Pouring Rain, Cold Temperatures, Ultimate Frisbee, a Pure Mess & PURE FUN! I felt like I was back in high school again…until Sunday when my body reminded me that I’m not as agile as 10 years ago. At least I understood a wee bit more about the strategy of the game than my first official season last summer. I had a lot of fun–even if it was cold, and wet, and my clothes–muddy and soggy! I’m still trying to understand all the correct terminology for all of the strategic plays, but I figure that after another season, if my almost-30 year old body can take the beating, I’ll be a pro! So much fun!
In other news, Remember how I’ve said that I never win anything? My parents felt sympathy for my pathetic plight and this weekend, I WON! Now, granted I was THE ONLY entrant in the sweepstakes, but nevertheless, I was the winner of a $100 dollar sweepstakes! WHOOT! My parents took me to grocery store and I had 5 minutes to get all I could with the goal of trying to get between $95 and $99.99 (with a limit on the amount of meat I was allowed to get). Michael and I ran around the store–Michael was perusing the meat and junk foods while I made an attempt at the staple items, while keeping the tab in my head. I was at $97 (in my mental estimation) and figured my estimation was on the low end, so I grabbed $3 worth of bread items. The grocery clerk thought we were crazy as Michael interrogated him with the video camera as only Michael can do. The total came up to $103. SHAME! If only I hadn’t grabbed the bread items. I lost again! So my parents made me put it all back. KIDDING. They let us have it all, even though there was supposed to be a penalty of the best item in the cart. Thankfully, though, they didn’t even enforce that!!!. It was ever so much fun! THANKS TO THE BEST PARENTS IN THE UNIVERSE for the HEAP OF ENCOURAGEMENT!
I’m the proud big sister!
This semester, my sister is interning at the Washington Times! WHOOHOO! She got her first assignment to interview some people at the March for Life yesterday, then helped out with an article about it and was mentioned as contributing to the report (at the end of the article)! YEAH STERLING!!!! Can you tell I’m proud of my sister?