Yesterday, I received the funniest email from a friend. It was too entirely funny to NOT share with you. (Although I got her permission, I changed the kids’ names so as not to embarrass my dear friend. 🙂
I was at the Christmas Tree Shop (discount store) to pick up some gifts for co-workers. I had the baby in the carrier on the front of my cart. Corbin, my middle son, in the basket of the cart and Cameron, my oldest, standing on the end of the cart (quite a sight I’m sure). I was using the bottom of the cart to store my merchandise. I went to put more stuff on the bottom grate when I noticed liquid. I looked at Corbin quickly…all looked fine. Then I got down and looked up into my cart. What did I see but a naked bum and penis! What I had not realized was that he had pulled down his pants and diaper just enough while sitting in the basket. And he PEED on my stuff…he said he went “pee and poop poop”, though thankfully it was just pee. Now, I had a candy dish that had remarkably functioned as a potty and caught all the pee…By this time, the baby was hungry and crying (she was asleep when I went into the store otherwise I would have fed her first.) Cameron is going on and on and on how his legs are SOOOO tired of standing….and I had already decided I didn’t need the candy dish before I had discovered its new found function….so I simply wiped it out and put it on a shelf…and headed directly to check out.
Moral of the story: ALWAYS wash items before use. You never know when a child has used an item for an unintended purpose and an exhausted mom just couldn’t face explaining what happened to customer service.
Happy Friday! A special thanks goes to my friend for sharing the smiles, and to her little one, for giving us reason to chuckle!