I’m trying to play a bit of catch up here at the ole’ blog and keep on plugging away with my record of life. Pierson started 1/2 day kindergarten this year and has been exposed to Star Wars there. He asked if he could be R2D2. And I agreed…I mean, how hard would it be to DIY an R2D2 costume?
Halfway in, as the paper mâché toilet paper gloop wasn’t looking promising, I was cursing myself for not saying ‘no’. All in all, it turned out fine and Pierson was proud of it. That’s all I cared about. I was happy to help him follow his dream, but I told him next year he needs to just find a costume from the dress up bin.
And another of all the kiddos and cousins dressed up. (I like this particular one for a few reasons: It’s a rare photo of Sterling actually smiling on command; Merritt cracks me up because he wasn’t too amused that he couldn’t see out of his Skunk costume; And as always, Anders was smiling.)