I’m 39 days into taking a picture every day this year! Feel free to take a peek by following this link or click on the 365 trinket button to the right. I just updated last week’s pics!
What is a fun goal that you have set for yourself this year??
Life with the Littles-A lifestyle blog of living with five littles.
by Maren 2 Comments
I’m 39 days into taking a picture every day this year! Feel free to take a peek by following this link or click on the 365 trinket button to the right. I just updated last week’s pics!
What is a fun goal that you have set for yourself this year??
Everyone remembers the ole’ poem Footprints in the Sand. Here’s my rendition.
Footprints in the Snow by Maren Boehm
As Pierson gets older,
he may ask,
“Mom, in this picture, why do I have two feet in the snow?
Yet you only have one?”
And I will reply,
“Because it was too stinkin’ cold to make the other footprint.”
And you thought this would be sentimental…
Now, before you report me to CPS with a crazy story like placing naked babies in the snow, I also REALLY did inflict the cold upon myself on BOTH feet as we were mere inches from the inside (Here’s proof). We only stayed outside long enough to make the footprints, make some yellow snow (just seeing if you were still reading…), and give Pierson a couple of seconds to ponder all the white stuff. And we both loved it, survived, and lived to tell about it. The end.
Truly, one day he MAY ask why I’m as crazy as I am, and I’ll tell him, “Because I like it that way.”
by Maren 3 Comments
The day after Christmas, I always awaken as if Debbie Downer has slept beside me and whispered sweet nothings in my ear throughout the night. I hate it. The thought of having to wait 364 days until I can revert once again to insta-kid is downright depressing.
Here are a few reasons I’m missing Christmas.
#1: I love being with family.
#2 Our family’s Christmas gifts aren’t always conventional.
#3 You can eat as much as you want, and people don’t judge. (Case in point: Here, Michael had just eaten an entire flock of chickens. No one judged.)
#4 Christmas=puzzles & games!
#5 Napping is expected.
#5 There’s just something special about seeing life through a baby’s eyes.
Christmas, Hurry Back! You are missed!
by Maren 5 Comments
Pierson is his dad’s biggest fan. In the picture below, little guy is watching his dad shovel the driveway. Love them!
New Year’s Resolutions:
1. Set monthly goals (and reach them).
2. Be a more organized person (by making lots and lots of lists).
3. Love on my family (through words and demonstration).
4. Be grateful for the blessings I’ve been given (write notes & express gratitude).
5. Be creative.
This month I will:
1. Exercise every day (only 3 skips allowed).
2. Journal/blog at least twice each week.
3. Keep a cleaner cubicle (at work).
4. PURGE more clutter!
5. Make smarter food choices.
6. Make one craft-y/decorative item.
Setting goals wears ya’ out!