Title: “Mom, what was wrong with the first 1,000 pictures you took?”
A friendly Memorial Day
***On first glance, you may think this post in my application for What Not to Wear. Do you ever have times where you look at yourself and think, “Um, self? What were you wearing?” This is one of those times. Stuck in between clothes that fit and clothes that are waiting for a larger, more curvaceous preggo body is where I find myself at this time. So please disregard my shirt that looks like a square-neck drape, and join in with my regularly scheduled post.***
Do you have a friend that no matter the amount of time in between visits, you just pick up right where you left off? Meet that friend, Gretchen.
Gretchen was able to steal away from her family (Thanks, Ben!) and come to Louisville for a visit over Memorial Day. Lots of relaxing, chatting, and a couple of excursions were thrown into the visit.
One day trip we took was to the West Baden Springs Hotel. If you live in the Southern Indiana area, this is a must-see day trip, and the tour is fascinating. Not only is the history of this place incredibly interesting, it’s also breathtakingly beautiful. It was built in the 1800’s because the mineral springs of the area supposedly had great healing powers.
If you’re a nerd like me, and would like a history lesson for today:
*Check out a PBS-style video about this hotel & its history, by clicking here.
*Or the history of its nearby sister hotel (French Lick Resort) by clicking here.
*Or a video about the “healing” water by clicking here.
Here’s pictures of our visit.
Interesting side note: The hotel’s atrium was the largest free-spanning dome until the Houston Astrodome was constructed in the1960’s. It has been dubbed the “Eighth Wonder of the World.
Here’s my What Not to Wear Audition. Pretend the outfit is lovely.
Snack time!
During the great depression, it was closed as a functioning hotel and sold to the Jesuits for one dollar to function as a seminary. Thus, a cemetery sits on the property. Interesting side note: Notice each grave stone has three dates: his birth date (“natus”), the date he entered the order (“ingressus”) and the date of his death (“obiit”).
Then, we made sure to stop by my favorite Louisville Restaurant.
And no trip to Louisville would be complete without going to Graeter’s! YUM!
Thanks for a great visit, Gretchen! More importantly, thanks for your friendship!
My ‘365 Trinkets’ is quickly becoming ‘233 Trinkets’, but that’s okay. There is always tomorrow to do better, right? Here’s a little catch up from the past month…and a half…
Take me Out to the Ball Game…
A student gave me this plant 7 years ago. He’s lucky to still be alive (The plant. Not the student)
Thankful for my husband’s encouragement!
First and last time I beat my husband in a sport. (I’m ERIN on the screen. When you say my name, it gets misspelled unless I go through each letter…and sometimes even that doesn’t work.)
You’d think he was posing…
1,000 toys; and he prefers the box.
Happy Babe
Wheel-Of-Fortune Reject
Qualities to look for in a husband…
Outdoor Adventures!
Still the daddy watcher…
How does your garden grow?