Hey friends! Wanna join me? I’m doing the WOMAN Challenge (what an original name, eh?) a virtual exercise group where we log our exercise activity to try to reach a goal–I’d like to gather a team and walk the virtual route across the Plains and the Midwest Route! We don’t have to get together to exercise–you do it individually, then log your activity online, and goes toward the group goal. How fun is that?!?!?! By being a part of a team, I figure it will help ME to stay accountable. So, that’s why I’m asking YOU! So, you want to join? Check it out at http://www.womenshealth.gov/woman/woman-fs.cfm . It’s of course, free, though the pedometers they were giving out are all gone–but you can still track your activity by miles or minutes! Feel free to register and join my team, Marenator and Friends, there is a limit of 10 people; BUT if you join, make sure you’re willing to help us finish our group goal! We don’t actually walk the distance of the Plains and Midwest Route, but it keeps track of your progress as an individual and as a team- it’s more about goal setting, and achieving your own personal goals…What are you waiting for? The challenge runs from May 13, and ends on July 8, 2007! SO sign up and let’s get going! The challenge started yesterday, so we’re already a day behind!
I struggle with accountability in exercising, but figured this would be a fun way for us to Get GOING! and to KEEP MOVING! Let’s walk to Cleveland, Folks! If you’re interested, sign up today, and start walking ‘ with’ me!!!!!!
THANKS, KATIE, for the idea! She’s blogged about doing this, too! Feel free to join her group instead! Looks like a ton of fun!
Looking forward to walking together!
MEETING YOUR INDIVIDUAL GOAL: For each of the eight weeks of the WOMAN Challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to accumulate up to two points. You can earn your first point each week if your average physical activity is at least 90 percent of your weekly goal. You can earn your second point each week if you record some physical activity for every day of the week. If you earn both points every week, you will accumulate 16 points by the end of the WOMAN Challenge and will successfully complete your virtual route.
MEETING THE GROUP GOAL: How the Route is completed: For each of the eight weeks of the WOMAN Challenge, your team will have the opportunity to accumulate up to two points. The team can earn its first point each week if every team member’s average physical activity is at least 90 percent of their individual weekly goal. The team can earn its second point each week if every team member records some physical activity for every day of the week. If the team earns both points each week, it will accumulate 16 points by the end of the WOMAN Challenge and will successfully complete its virtual route.