The weather was too warm to ski this weekend, so we met in Cincinnati at Jungle Jim’s then went to the Cincinnati Art Museum. We had a great day! Saturday, we had a college friend come into town. I called ahead to one of our favorite restaurants in Louisville, Havana Rumba, where we were told we’d have to wait for 30 minutes. NO PROBLEM… After arriving & waiting 45 minutes, and still not being seated, we asked the host how much longer we’d have to wait. Apathetically, he replied, “45 more minutes.” Something is definitely wrong with his math skills! He needs to learn the motto “Under Promse, Over Deliver!” We were majorly disappointed–we had an 8 o’clock show to make, so we had to leave and go elsewhere…AND by this time, we were short for time, so we headed to a Jimmy John’s. I was super disappointed being the one “in charge” of the plans and have to resort to a sandwich shop, but sometimes I have to give up my perfectionistic ways and learn to go with the flow…This was one such instance, and personally, I think better memories are made that way. We went to a comedy show that evening. Our college friend assured us that the comedian was very clean and appropriate, but I doubtfully thought, “I’ll believe THAT when I see it!” Surprisingly, he was VERY clean, and we really enjoyed the show–Michael laughed so hard, he got an ab workout! Last night, we went over to some friends’ house, and had a delightful time! All in all, great weekend, so I wanted to blog about it.
Archives for February 2007
Nothing fancy, Everything Fun!
Sunday, Michael and I headed a couple hours south for just to getaway and escape monotony. We stayed at a hotel outside of Bowling Green (KY), and had a very relaxing Presidents’ Day. For those of you who have never been, believe me when I say that Bowling Green, itself, is a pretty blah town. Still, we had fun relaxing. We took a walking tour in the town of some older homes in town, tooled around on some driving adventures, and just had a fun day together. Nothing fancy, everything fun! Afterwards, we drove through a state park and headed for home. It was a great day. The best part of the entire day was my breakfast that Michael brought me– a Sausage McGriddle ๐ Mmmmmm…They’re a favorite, but I abstain because of their nutritional value or lack thereof. You can tell, it doesn’t take much to please me. haha! A few pictures of the homes…
I promise to find some more exciting things to post about in the near future…Michael and I are going to be playing on an indoor soccer league. Perhaps I’ll post of that excitement…err…my casualties. Also, in my last post, I mentioned skiing this Friday. Sigh. It looks like it will be in the 50s all week. I hate skiing in slush. When Ross and I first moved to Owensboro, we went skiing with a church youth group over Christmas break (not Heritage). It was so warm, that there were patches of grass poking through. I remember skiing down a hill, onto a patch of grass and stopping dead in my tracks. My momentum kept me going, but the traction of the grass kept me firmly in place. I don’t want a repeat of that…who knows what Friday will bring; we’ll have to see!
Happy Tuesday!
Sunday Date
Sunday afternoon, Michael and I headed south to Clermont, KY to visit the Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest, a privately owned forest with many hiking trails. It was a fun afternoon, and we enjoyed hiking in the cold temps! I think I have a phobia of which I’m sure there’s a proper name. Every time I go on a hike in the late afternoon, I envision myself getting lost and not making it out by night fall. It creeps me out a little bit, and Michael has to continually ensure me that we’ll be back to our car before dark. ๐ This happened on vacation too. It’s a panic feeling that I experience, but doesn’t stop me from hiking, because I do love it!…just one of my many quirks… The picture of Michael and Zippy on the bridge was neat. The hill that the “bridge” sits on is a sharp decline, but the bridge continues straight out (there’s a picture down on the hill looking straight up at the bridge). So, you are walking along the tree tops. The tree Michael was standing by will sway considerably with just a small push! Most of the pictures are abstract, but enjoy! Happy Tuesday!
My Healthy New Outfit
Shelley…this one’s for you!
Living the life of an absolute clutz is a feat left only to the bravest of the brave. Yes, folks, I’m talking about myself. It takes extreme talent to be the clutz that I am. Often, I’ll find myself stumbling over nothing in particular, missing my mouth while eating or drinking, and spilling stuff just because because I get in its way. Often times this makes me laugh a bit too loudly because I find it extremely inconceivable just how graceless I can be.
A little background: Thanks to a friend of mine, she got me started on blended salads (a smoothie with lettuce and spinach in it for nutrients). They’re a good way to take in some extra nutrients, and they are a lot better than I had ever speculated. They look terrible, but when it comes to taste, I’ve come to enjoy them, and I eat them many days for lunch…
SO….Today: I had brought one for lunch. I usually put it in a Nalgene bottle, and will shake it up before consumption. I shook it up, and opened the lid. I took my first drink. Completely forgetting the fact that I had JUST taken a drink from the now-opened container, I started the process of SHAKING it again—with force. Let me just say…Oops. BLENDED SALAD WENT EVERYWHERE. The major disadvantage to a blended salad is that not only does it sound unappealling, but it looks unappetizing! I’m afraid to say that it’s appearance is more akin to something you would squeeze from a puppy dog, rather than a delicious drink. (BTW:Because of how they look and sound, I was the biggest unbeliever until I had one.) So, now, I quickly realized that my desk, my computer, my shirt and my pants were COVERED in the green smoothie mixture. I don’t like to market the fact that I drink one for lunch everyday because people are finicky eaters, and I don’t want them to make rude comments about my lunch. But oh, there was no hiding it now! I WAS FULLY WEARING THE CONCOCTION! I tried scrubbing it off, but the harder I tried to accomplish the goal of regaining the look of normalcy, the more I found myself smearing it all over. Laughing loudly, I poured water on me to get if off, but I was hopeless. My coworker took one look at me and mentioned I should go home.
A quick trip home, a new set of clothes, and all is well back at work. My “new outfit” must have looked bad because when I returned home, Michael thought Iwas sick and had vomited all over myself. I guess I’d rather the accident than the the alternative of being sick today.
Whatever will I do with myself?!?!?! And that, dear friends, is how I make even a Friday afternoon at work entertaining.