Ange–this is the picture I was talking about. I can vividly remember being so proud of “matching” pajamas as well as Sterling fitting into the night gown intended for my cabbage patch! Seeing your little one, brought the memories of this picture back. π I know, I Know–the gowns themselves aren’t all that lovely, but the memories are irreplacable. Besides, it was the 80’s, so it’s absolutely permissive that the syle is a bit ‘off’! Just had to share as I really loved seeing that picture of Ainsley–almost enough to cry. π
Archives for March 2007
It only could happen to me…
Came to work today…with my pants on backwards! Now, I know it takes me a while to wake up, but golly, that’s crazy! To my credit, they’re side-zip pants and very loose, but still…I feel like a 4 year old. π At least I have my shoes on the right feet, er…I think.
Happy Thursday! One more day ’til weekend!
And the winner is…
This past Friday, Michael had the opportunity to speak to a large group of Indianapolis teens after a Pacer game. I would describe the evening like a progressive lock-in, with the groups alternating from one activity to another i.e. bowling, skating, gym, etc. The evening starts out with a Pacer game and is followed by a short message (this year, given by Michael) before the groups scatter to go to all the activities. When Michael speaks to large groups, I’m always more nervous for him than he is! Somehow, I was drafted to help with the “Let’s Make a Deal” game. I gave away a few great prizes as well as a few that weren’t so good. It was a fun night! If you think I look odd in the one picture, I agree–I was somehow distorting my body and plastering on a bizarre face, with the goal of enticing a contestant to pick my prize.
We drove back late Saturday night to be back for a 9:00 a.m. (ARE THEY CRAZY???) speech contest that Michael was participating in on Saturday morning. He won his contest and will be moving on to a Regional contest in Indianapolis in May! Yeah, Michael!
Saturday afternoon, my parents headed into town and we went to eat at one of our favorite (hole-in-the-wall) restaurants in Louisville, The Viatamese Kitchen. MMMMMmmmmm.. Mom and I stayed up until midnight youtube-ing…lol. Maybe I shouldn’t admit that, but we had fun doing so… It’s always WONDERFUL having them in town. They brought several hostas that they had split from their own garden! WHOOHOO! We’re trying to figure out our landscaping and garden, and their generous hosta donation will help keep the costa down! I’m getting corny now. Must stop here.
Happy Monday!
Guacamole and a cute leather couch
Some things in life are meant to be savored. Guacamole is one of those wonders!
Today, started out rough. I canceled everything this week due to our sickness–OR SO I THOUGHT. I got a call at 9:17 this morning from a friend who was WAITING for me at a Breakfast restaurant! Shame! I hate letting people down, but I’m thankful that she was SO understanding! I told Michael that I think sickness has clouded my head this week, too. I’ve done other random /weird stuff this week, too, and that’s the only thing I can attribute it to…
We’re resting today, trying to get back to full strength. Michael’s fever hasn’t gone back to normal since it went up, so we’re hoping that today is the day… We’re just taking it easy. While watching The Ohio State team play, I fixed up a batch of one of my absolute favorites–Guacamole! Mmmmmmmm. Life is good–even when sick. π
I stopped by a thrift store and was 2 minutes behind a couple of girls that found THE CUTEST leather couch made out of barrels for only $40! I was so disappointed, but congratulated them on finding “a steal!” I took a pic, because I thought it was so cute– I’ll try to post later. Back to the Guacamole…
Happy weekend!
EDIT: THE COUCH…sniff, sniff. It’s alright if you don’t like it. I know I have odd taste. π