I preface this by saying that any time I find out something new, I quickly find out that the rest of the world has known for years! No worries–that won’t stop me from posting this little helpful hint. Somewhere out there SOMEONE will want to refer to me as Heloise from hereafter!
Few things in life annoy me to the point that I can’t take it any longer–I’m generally pretty easygoing, and laid back. One thing however, drives me crazy after it goes unfixed–perhaps more appropriately I should say, “It grates on my nerves.” It’s the noise that is made when you pull the shower curtain back–metal on metal… You see, I have decorative metal hooks and over time, they wear on the metal shower rod, making it hard to pull and creating an annoying shrill sound.
I’ve got something that fixes this little annoyance (as well as metal hangers on metal clothes racks), and today, I thought, “I REALLY SHOULD XANGA THAT.” ( I know…too much time on my hands, I agree.) So, wad up sheet of wax paper, and rub it along the metal shower rod. No longer will you have this irritating issue. This is one of the perks from my employment at Ann Taylor Loft several years ago… Go try it…you’ll appreciate the results. AND the next time you hear that noise, you have two choices: now you can either go fix the problem, or you can think, “Maren hates that…” every time pull back the curtain and experience that annoying shrill noise. The choice, my friend, is yours.
Okay… hit me with the, “Duh, Maren, I learned that when I was 2, comments.” I’m armed and ready. 🙂