Shamefully, I admit, I do a TERRIBLE job at remembering my friend’s birthdays. AND, even when I do, it seems I can’t win. Three times in the past month, I have forgotten the birthdays of friends. I have friends that are so thoughtful in remembering, and I’d like to be the friend who remembers that sort of thing, but no matter how much I try, I come up short time and time again.
This past weekend I forgot the birthdays of some of our closest friends in Louisville. The husband and wife (a true example of the thoughtful friends I was just referencing) have birthdays a day apart–yep forgot both. I didn’t remember until we dropped in at their apartment, where they casually told us they had been celebrating birthdays earlier! OOOOOOOOOOOOOH, did I feel terrible. And of course, I didn’t even come close to remembering.
BUT sometimes, I do a little better… I knew that my coworker’s bday was this week—Knowing my consistent failures in this area, I had it all planned out. I kept looking at my calendar and making mental notes not to forget, because I’m ever so much aware of my horrible fault. I’d already purchased the card, and had planned the present for a couple of weeks. I was going to fix it all up tonight and give it to her tomorrow on her birthday. I even reminded my boss that her birthday was tomorrow because we usually celebrate in the office and she is usually the ‘social planner’.
“I am on top of it this time!” I complimented myself.
When she came in today, I wished her a happy birthday EVE–ONLY to have her tell me that TODAY is her birthday. You see, I had in my mind that her birthday was on TUESDAY (which it is). The problem with this is that because of the holiday yesterday, I got thrown off and was thinking that since this was the first day back from the weekend, TODAY was MONDAY! GRRRRRRRRR!
Will I ever win this battle? My brother and brother-in-law share the same birthday as me. You would think that this would help me to remember theirs; but for some reason, they still only receive belated birthday cards from me…In fact, that’s pretty much the only card section I peruse through, because buying a card early is a VERY RARE oddity for me. Sigh. My lack of planning is obvious. I’m trying to work on it–perhaps today’s defeat will help me to become one step closer to timely “Happy Birthday”s!!!!!