Tonight I stopped by Kroger to buy popcorn. Unlike the majority of Americans, I pop my popcorn on the stove, the good ole’ fashion way. For some reason, I enjoy it more. That, and it’s cheaper . The gal at the check out counter was about 18 and fascinated. Here’s the conversation.
Gal: Cool, Popcorn!?!?
Me: Mmmhhmmm…
Gal: Do you cook this on your STOVE?
Me: Mmmmhmmm. You put it in a pan with oil, put the popcorn in the pan, put the lid on, turn it on medium, and it cooks it within a few minutes.
Gal: WOW.
I think by her fascination that she expected me to wear a dress, a bonnet, and ride off in my horse-drawn carriage. 🙂 Life, Gotta love it!
Happy Sunday!