Michael and I took a walk on Sunday afternoon at a Forest in our area. BEAUTIFUL! It’s so fun to stop and enjoy the peaceful creation– Michael could testify, though, that nothing quite interrupts this serenity like my intermittant hysterical screams of being chased by horseflies. (There are some creatures in this world that we must agree to disagree about their purpose in life, and horseflies are one of these types of creatures.) These pictures remind me of the last verse of Psalm (150:6) that says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
GRRRR… I can’t figure out how to lay out pictures on Xanga and make it look nice. Whenever I try, it looks like a jumbled mess, so I have to go to the slideshow or spend way too much time. Any ideas? And is there any way to preview a post before posting? I always hit “save changes” then realize I’ve posted the thing… GRRR…
Also, on a different and random note, on Saturday, someone/something completely dug up a newly planted flower and placed it on our sidewalk (about 2 feet from where it was originally planted). It’s baffling to me and a little unnerving. I keep racking my brain trying to figure it all out… I don’t think a kid would be smart enough to do something like that. If it’s a joke, it’s a dumb joke. If it’s a window peeper, why on earth would he want us to know he’s there?? I was thinking that maybe I ran over someone’s flowers or something without knowing it, and it was retaliation. But you’d think I would know if I had done something like that… I’m just hoping it was an animal of sorts. It’s just too odd for me to think about…
Happy Monday!