Some more stuff from my little yellow notebook… The following are some fun quotes I wrote down….Some serious, some funny… I don’t know the sources unless they are mentioned.
Unless you can create the universe in 6 days time, maybe you should hold back from giving God advice.
Christian service is never for the purpose of getting something. It is because we have already received it. (Personal side note: I think that there are far too many Church hoppers/Church shoppers who go from one church to the next looking for the perfect place or the next best thing– Often, I feel, there is this faulty consumer mentality…instead of “How can I serve?” They are wrongly asking, “What’s in this for me?”)
Love is being willing to face the risks of seeing your spouse’s dream come true.
Men for the sake of earning a living forget to live.
Forbid that we should ever consider the holding of a commission from the King of Kings a sacrifice, so long as other men esteem the service of an earthly government as an honor.– David Livingstone.
God has every right, and my permission to rearrange my life at any time, in any way, in order to fufill His plan for its influence to His glory. [Personal note: I struggle with this because often times, I want MY life, MY way, just the way I plan life out. 🙁 It was a good kick in the pants to read this.]
Some are more concerned that they may be noticed than that Christ may be seen.
A real person isn’t afraid to give his pet parrot to the town gossip. — Billy Graham
His hair looked like the governer’s pardon got to the warden right after he plugged in the chair.-Zigg Ziglar
“Mayonnaise” a lotta people here!
Happy Thursday!