Recently, I had to fill out a form that included my ‘hobbies’. I listed dabbling as one, because, though I am no expert at anything, I enjoy trying many things. Here’s what I’ve been up to the last few months re: craft stuff…
In November, I made a quilt for my niece. (Enlisting the help from my friends with quilting talent, Cloud & Kristie). The printed fabric was from Michael’s grandma’s scraps–I was able to get some of her fabric when she passed away.
At Thanksgiving, I borrowed my friend’s Corda-roy’s Bean Bag for the pattern, and enlisted another friend, Gretchen, for the help in making the cover. This month, I found a nice, clean, futon mattress for a good price and Michael and I cut up all the foam inside to make the stuffing for the bed of the corda-roy. At first, we started out cutting the foam by hand–BAD IDEA–it took like 8 hours to cut up a piece 2’x3′–I wish that was an exaggeration (my thumb still hurts 3 weeks later). I did a little bit of google research and found out that you can cut it easily with an electric bread knife… After a quick trip to a thrift store and a purchase of a new(to me) knife, it made all the difference in the world.
Michael and I also took a field trip to a local fabric store to a fabric store in Shelbyville, KY that is major coolio. They’ve even gotten a write up in Southern Living… I find them pricey (but then I’m the biggest cheapskate around ) but a fun store and a huge selection…. I found a fabric I really liked for my kitchen curtains. The hardware was from IKEA. It made the sewing part of it super easy.
So, that’s the past couple of months through my projects! Happy Thursday!