For you today, and ONLY today I am offering a trip down memory lane. This will be most appreciated by you if you have the following qualifications:
1.) You’re female.
2.) You are around the approximately the age of 30, give or take a few years.
3.) You had the desire to be cool in elementary school.
4.) Your sense of “cool” was warped as a child from all of the hideous eighties styles.
DO YOU REMEMBER PLASTIC CLIP CHARM NECKLACES? The person who had the most clip-on charms won the ‘cool’ award. For some reason, my favorites were the frying pan and the whistle.
It’s fun remembering ‘coolness,’ is it not??? Another factor that only heightened your coolness status was if you were also the proud owner of A POCKET ROCKER–Now, I never owned one of these beauties, but I definitely salivated over my friends’. Even just listening to Tiffany’s I Think We’re Alone Now on my friend’s Pocket Rocker officially made me cool… (For an extra ‘cool’ laugh, click on the song title.)
Wasn’t memory lane a fun place to travel? So my question for you is: What childhood toy made YOU cool?