Sometime I struggle with just ‘doing life.’ Between finding time for work, being mom, and the rest of life’s duties, blogging not only takes the back burner, it takes the Crockpot of life! Between now and the last time I wrote, here’s a rundown of life-in no particular order.
*I met up with my sister, who I dearly miss, in Nashville. I wish my family didn’t live a world (literally) apart. Good idea: travel 3 hours to see your sister. Bad idea: Do it solo with a cranky baby in the back seat.
*I’ve searched the world for a brown ball point pen. This was including but not limited to asking my UPS friends if they still had logo pens with brown ink. One of my UPS friends thought I was requesting him to STEAL from his supply cabinet at work. Failure. Note to self: Learn to speak more concisely so friends don’t think I want them to break the law for me.
*My beauty has returned (Read related post: here). Well, that’s debatable. But, the lost makeup bag has been found. Wasn’t it so nice of the thief to return it to the most random part of my coat closet? Had he/she just returned the stolen goods directly to my hands, I wouldn’t have asked any questions! I bet they just didn’t want to be found out. Also, here’s proof I wasn’t lying about my Ziploc Wet-n-Wild blush!
*I received a bouquet of love from my favorite 2-year-old friend. All two dozen of the dandelions screamed of my little friend’s love. Instantly, something incredibly ugly beautifully morphed.
I changed the keyboard on my laptop. I ordered one from ebay, and installed it myself. The problem is that I have a solitary screw that I can’t figure out where it goes. May or may not be a problem. Time will tell.
I love spring. I love the trees, new life, the smell of freshly cut grass, walks with friends, perennials, and just being outside.
…Also, in random uneventful news: we put in an offer on a house. Surprised even me! For now, that’s all. I’ll return sooner than later! Promise!