You know you’ve been married A LONG TIME when you buy yourself a vacuum for your own anniversary present and you plan to use a gift card (that was given to you at Christmas) to go out to celebrate…And that’s just how you like it.
12 1/2 years ago, I met my best friend. And my life has been better since. At that time, my roommate insisted that Michael was “THE ONE” for me–I’ve always thought it was funny that she knew first. He stole my heart, 1988 two-toned blue Ford Aerostar and all. Today, Michael and I celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary. I’m still in love with God’s ABSOLUTE BEST for me, and I couldn’t be happier.
Thanks for being my knight, Mr. Boehm. I love you.
Doesn’t the last picture make you laugh? It’s a true sign that we’d just gotten out of the nineties…