The past couple months, I’ve been busy giving birth and seeing family tie the knot. Here are some pics of the baby. Wedding pics coming soon.
Here’s my timeline of birth:
- Woke up at 4:19am with first contraction. It was a hefty one, but I didn’t want to take chances that the labors were false. So, I gave it a little bit. The contractions were solid but no regular intervals.
- 5:30 called my parents who were staying in town to come to our house.
- 5:45ish left for the hospital. Contractions were pretty intense. Got closer together on the drive to the hospital.
- 6:05 made it to labor and delivery area of the hospital–Answered all the questions, etc, during contractions.
- I was taken back to the room. I asked for epidural but was told there may not be time.
- Got on the bed; was checked by a nurse and I was 8 cm dilated. Contractions fierce and regular–about every 2 minutes.
- Said not-nice things to Michael about “no more kids!”
- Asked for an epidural. Was told they were doing their best, but couldn’t guarantee one.
- 6:35 ish–Cleared for ‘trial push.’ Gave 2 more, and out he came!
- 6:40 I became mom of 2.
I’ve been loving the transition, but I’m just curious…For any moms of 2 or more out there…how do you find time to eat, sleep, shower, clean, cook, and most importantly BLOG?!?!?!?!?! I’ll be back soon with my gorgeous sister’s wedding pics!