On Pierson’s 3rd birthday, we had him return his pacifiers to the hospital for ‘babies who need them.’ For a long while, he has used the pacifier only for going to sleep and for many months we told him that when he turned three, he would give them away to babies who needed them. So on his birthday, we made the trek to the hospital. I’m pretty sure that letting go of those suckers was harder on the momma than on him. But, it needed to be done or else I envisioned him taking his senior pictures with the pacifier as a prop. I’ve been pleasantly surprised that though he has asked about his paci several more times, no tears were shed during the withdrawal process. Here’s a video of how it went down:
And just so Thatcher doesn’t get left out–
Are you tired of your same ole hair products? Does it hurt your pocketbook to spend $25.00 on an ounce of hair gel?
Well then…Have we got the product for you!
Homemade Hair Gel
Ingredients: Equal parts of syrup and yogurt.
Directions: Place both ingredients separately on a plate or in bowls. Rub the plate into hair. This product works instantly and is best used right before church on Sundays. Works like a charm and is cost-efficient too!
(No children were harmed in the making of this product.)