Having three kiddos has kicked my butt to the curb in more ways than one. And besides just kicking it to the curb, it’s done a few other numbers (in lbs) to many other areas I’d rather not start to list. You are invited to join me for a friendly & fun competition to hold you (and ME!) accountable and inspire you (and Me!) to lose a little weight. Please join me!
Cost to participate is $10. This contest will run from March 10- June 2. Two prizes will be awarded at the end of the competition–1 prize will be for highest weight loss percentage for the duration of the contest and the other prize will be for person with most accumulated points. See below for further details!
1. At the beginning of the challenge, each contestant will submit their starting weight to me (will not be published with the tally spreadsheet) as well as create 5 personal goals that they will work to accomplish weekly for the duration of the contest.
2. Each participant will daily track the food they eat.
3. Each participant will drink 8-8 ounces of water each day.
No later than each Monday, you’ll answer a simple form (like this: http://bit.ly/YC9nS1) for the week prior:
- Did you follow all five of your personal goals for the week?*
- Did you track your food each day?*
- Did you drink 8-8 ounce glasses of water every day?*
- How much weight did you lose last week?**
*1 point will be tallied for each ‘yes’.
**1 bonus point will be given to the person who lost the most weight that week. If there is a tie, the contestants who tied for the most weight lost will all get a bonus point.
The contest will end on June 3rd. At that time, the total participant monies will be split in half and 2 prizes will be awarded. Half of the prize money will be awarded to the person with the most points accumulated. The other half will be awarded to the person with the highest weight loss percentage during the duration of the contest–Again, if there is a tie for weight loss percentage, the money will be split.
There is a $10 fee for participating in this contest. You can pay by paypal to me (If you use a bank account or Paypal balance, it’s free to send money. When you use a debit or credit card through paypal, there will be a $.59 fee for a $10.00 transaction). You can also pay by check in the mail or in person if I see you regularly. If you decide to join, the participation fee will go towards the prize money pot and cannot be reimbursed, even if you bail out of the contest for whatever reason.
And by the way, I’m out for the win…so just because I’m doing the data entry of this here contest, I’m looking to win. You can check my numbers on the ole’ spreadsheet…but take note that I’m hoping to smash my competition.
Wanna join? Leave a comment and I’ll invite ya’ to the private facebook group. Here’s to a successful challenge! We can do this!