Thanks for the tag in the six random fact game! Here’s what I came up with…
- I once fastened a clothespin to my uvula because my mom dared me $5. Don’t try it. It hurts.
- In 2nd grade, I memorized over 2,000 lines of poetry to win a stuffed dodo bird.
- In junior high or early high school (with my mom’s help), we t’ped/toilet-papered/wrapped (it’s called something different in all parts of the country) a guy’s house and left an apology note with an offer to help clean up the mess… written as if the pastor of my church did the t’ping.
- I could eat guacamole for every meal for the rest of my life (if I could only afford it and keep my figure….wait, what figure?!?!?!?)
- Two random lifelong dreams of mine is to #1 ride on a hot air balloon, and #2 be on a game show.
- After fighting with my brother when we were kids, we were forced to say something nice about the other person. I very quickly told Ross, “Although I don’t act like it, I really do love you.” It was Ross’s turn. He thought…and he thought…and he thought…and he thought…and he thought…and he thought….and he thought… then said, “Well………. You keep yourself clean?” Tears & another fight ensued. I’m still bitter.
1. Link to the person who ‘tagged’ you!
2. Post the rules on your blog!
3. List 6 random facts about yourself!
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post!
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by commenting on their blog!
6. Let the tagger know the entry is posted on your blog!
I tag Marcella, Jennifer, Michelle, Laura,Theresa, Faith, Charity, & Erin-if you’ve already done this, DISREGARD. And for anyone else, feel free to join in the fun! You know you want to.