I’m such a control-freak/perfectionist that I rarely find myself on the other side of the camera. I’m trying to do better. When my friend, Stephanie from Dirt and Lace mentioned that she was looking for people to build her portfolio, I was grateful for the chance to get some photos of our family! Regardless of rain, we definitely made some memories and gained pictures which I will always cherish. Thanks, Stephanie! Check her out here!
Clock Wall
I’ve had some questions regarding my clock wall. When we got married, we registered for a lot of clocks. Being frugal and poor, we decided to make art out of the clocks, and arranged the clocks together on the same wall. Throughout the years, the wall has had different shapes and a few have been retired, but the clock wall remains.
If you’re a first time guest to our house, chances are that you will think you’re very witty and have an original joke. You’ll ask, “Do you know what time it is?” and follow the question with a goofy chuckle. At which point, we will oblige you with a courtesy laugh. We’ve done this about sixty-two times. Then you will suggest “Why don’t you set them all to different times around the world?” My response to that will be, “They are. They are all twelve hours apart.” Been there. Done that. Forty-seven times.
I suppose we could use it to our advantage if we have boring company. “My, where has the time gone? Did you realize how late it is?!?!!” But, the company we keep are not boring.
Shortly after I arranged the wall for the first time, my mom brought me a clipping from a Martha Stewart magazine of a CLOCK WALL! Now, this was way before blogland and pinterest. I tried to find it online to share, but I couldn’t. Sigh. But that little magazine clipping gave me the confidence I needed–while I may not be the greatest decoratin’ diva, I do occasionally have a winner in which even Martha approves!! It has become a trademark in my home, and I like it!
What’s your trademark?
My Naked Feet (aka Blessed My Socks Off!)
I’m blown away by the goodness of God. In our marriage, Michael and I have been continually faced with a principle that when we give to others and give generously, God blesses just as he promised in the Bible’s book of Luke: “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Now, my reason for giving isn’t to get. However, every time we give, we have found that God blesses us in return. We’ve learned that it’s simply not possible to ‘out give’ God. PERIOD. For the sake of this story, I will mention that recently we were given the opportunity to give to some friends’ ministries. Michael and I determined an amount and sent in our support.
Not two weeks later, I picked up the kids from the church nursery and being the very OBSERVANT individual that I am, it took me 3 days to find a large envelope stuffed in the diaper bag with my name on it. Inside was a Kroger gift card from an anonymous friend with the same amount as one of our gifts! God used someone to bless our socks off!
How I used it: For the last year, we’ve been trying to get our house into move-in-ready condition. This past weekend, we invited some friends to help us for a work day. In the evening, we provided a ‘Thank You’ meal. Normally, a grocery store trip to buy ingredients for a meal like this would have brought budgeting tears. Instead, my heart was filled with gratitude for someone taking the time to be a blessing. And not only for the friend(s) who blessed us with a gift card, but also the friends who were willing to give their time to bless us with manual labor!
I was in the nursery again this week and was handed another anonymous gift card, bringing the gift card total to the exact amount we’d given away, just a few weeks before.
This little blessing demonstration has been a great challenge to me! It’s refreshed my resolve to be a blessing to others. My heart is full- And not just because of the gift cards, though I’m very appreciative! Not just for our friends who were a HUGE blessing to us also. But for the principle that God proves again and again and again and again. When we give, He gives–pressed down, shaken together and RUNNING OVER. It’s a promise–we can’t out give Him. He gives–and not just materially. He also blesses our hearts by the love of friends. And because of that, today I am rich.
An Accurate Assessment
My son’s very favorite activity is to go “dribing.” Dribing consists of Pierson sitting/standing/ or jumping on the driver’s seat of a car (any car) while turning the steering wheel; honking the horn; and enabling every wiper, light, and radio button within reach. If allowed, he would dribe for hours-he loves it! During one recent dribing session, Pierson looked down at the console and noticed this picture which had arrived by mail from my grandmother the previous day. This picture was probably 1992, seventh grade & TWENTY years ago–Man, do I feel old. Pierson spotted the picture, ceased his dribing duties, grabbed the photo and stared.
I suppose I don’t blame him. He stared at the picture for a couple of seconds, a huge smile crossed his face. Followed by a laugh and a verbal observation that that warmed my heart. His statement was just three simple words, but probably something every mom aches to hear from her two year-old: “Mommy Look Funny.”
Yes, son. I do believed you nailed the 90’s on the head and all my roller-skating, leggings wearin’, cat t-shirt sportin’, perm de frizz, eyebrows of death, and brace face glory. Just you wait. Your time’s a-coming. And if you want, I’ll be happy to remind you of your kind words thirty years from now.