Just to See You Smile
I never quite realized the craziness to which I’d stoop until I became a mom. If you’d have asked me 10 years ago if I would bend to the level of befriending Elmo, I’d have denied the desire to ever see the furry little red beast. Now, 10 years later, I would like to report that I was not only happy to recently see our furry red friend, but giddy. It’s true. My giddiness was caused by my anticipation of seeing Pierson’s face when Elmo appeared! Nothing brings me more joy than seeing wonder in Pierson’s eyes-it brings joy to this momma’s heart.
We received tickets to go see Elmo from a friend.
Even the $10-a-POP bunch of BALLOONS during intermission to con poor parents into appeasing their whiny kids didn’t stop me from being giddy! Though I do confess to muttering something like “THAT’S JUST WRONG” when the salesmen appeared with the bunch of more than one hundred balloons.
And it was worth every second, even if the evil Sesame Street people preying on Elmo-lovin’ kids with every knick-knack, paraphenaila, & doodad known to man–All because of this smile:
in which my soul reciprocates.
Live & Latebreaking!
Perhaps I’m a news snob, but this story makes me think that yesterday was a slow news day in Louisville.
This urgent news story was sandwich between a story of a “fallen” family member which turned out to be a DOG & another story about a gal whose runaway DOG was captured by the pound then given up for adoption. Tears and legal battles have ensued.
This isn’t a joke, folks. This is the news and I thought you should know. It’s LIVE and LATEBREAKING in Louisville!
Happy Thursday!
Couch Time
We implemented something we call ‘Couch-Time’ with Pierson about 5 months ago. We have him sit on the couch and independently read his books.
It’s fabulous! He really enjoys the time, and it gives us some time to catch up with house work, read, take pictures of him (ha!), etc.
The length has increased to where he will actively look through his books for around 30 minutes. Sometimes, even more.
This one is my hands down favorite. I think he was panting like the dogs in his book.
Then I turned to snap pictures of #2. This is the face he makes while producing his newly discovered, high-pitched squeal.
And if you’re super observant; yes, my clock wall was out of sync. Why is it that it takes far too long to accomplish the ‘to-do’ items that take less than one minute to complete? What easy task are you avoiding from your to-do list? I’m happy to report the top 2 clocks now have batteries. Happy Tuesday!