I’ve never been one to count month anniversaries–I haven’t keep track while we were dating or married–that’s just not me. BUT, this morning I realized that NINE years ago today, Michael and I went on our first date to a Dayton Bomber’s hockey game. Michael and the guys in his unit had planned the group date for all of their girlfriends and me (funny…all are married to someone different). During the game, my brother Ross, roommate Megan, and some other friends had ALSO attended and acted like paparazzi as they snapped several secret pictures of our first date MUCH TO MY MORTIFICATION, though Michael nor anyone in the group ever knew.
Rewind: When I first met Michael, I was struck by his proper speech. I think, looking back, I just wasn’t used to someone interjecting my name casually into sentences. (for example, when I asked what he did over Christmas break, his response was, “Well, Maren, I helped my father chop down wood, Maren.”) It was my first quarter, freshman year. No one had introduced us, but we kept running into each other. EVERYWHERE…at a concert, at the Thanksgiving dinner, Open House (where he remembered my name and I had no clue who he was), Little Town of Lights, the library…we just would run into each other all the time…Admittedly, I began to know where he studied in the library and would head that direction, but most of the time they were just coincidences. My mom asked me at Christmas if I had met anyone, and I told her “No, but I’d like to get to know this guy…” Megan, my roommate claimed I’d marry him, but I didn’t put any stock in that notion! I was just interested in making the most of my college experience…whether that was a relationship or not, was not something I dwelled on for too long of a time. Nine years later, I’m still attracted to what I’ve always loved about Michael. Of all the people I ever have known, he’s the best about being genuinely interested in people. You know when he talks to you, he cares about you. He’s good at carrying on a conversation, and often, I’m happy to just be in the wake of his conversation, listening & piping in with my two cents when I feel I have something to say. I appreciate his sincerity and his guidance, helping me to realize the important things in this life…and guiding me be less concerned about petty things. Early in our marriage, Michael wouldn’t let me argue with him about small things–he would claim that it wasn’t worth the argument, so he just wouldn’t allow it. I appreciate that SO much about him because it has promoted much more harmony in our marriage throughout the years. The attraction that grew into love for Michael has grown through our years of marriage. It’s been a great 9 years! As I look back, I’m so thankful for the way He works. Yes, He has been good.