In one week, Pierson goes to the doctor for his 9 month check up. Where on earth is time going???
Every time I take Pierson to the doctor, he is given his stats: height, weight, & head circumference. The numbers are first given in actual measurements, but then we are also given a percentage, letting us know how he measures up with the rest of the world.
He started out as a MAJOR porker. And he spit up breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks continually for the next 7 months. Each time we’d hit up the doctor’s office, his percentage would diminish. But the doctors weren’t worried because he continually gained- so I didn’t worry. I just made sure that there was a continual supply of urp rags ready for use.
One thing that stikes is me funny is that parents are very quick to share and brag about their child’s percentage as if the child, by some great merit, won a national title. “My kid is in the so-and-so percentile. What’s yours?”
A funny thought I’ve had while taking Pierson to these said checkups is this: What if adults received the same type of percentage rating? I envision the conversation something like this:
Adult #1: Just had my annual appointment.
Adult #2: Really? How did it go? What was your weight percentage?
Adult #1: I’m in the 35th percentile.
Adult #2: That’s incredible! Weren’t you just in the 25th percentile??? You’ve really gained! I’m still only in the 10th percentile!
Adult #1: Yeah??? Well…your head’s obviously bigger than mine. Yours is so big, it’s probably AT LEAST in the 90th.
Happy Wednesday!