For this story to be twice as funny, you must first understand that most of my married life, I’ve endured my husband impressing people with his U-Scan Spanish abilities. By that, I mean, he learned all the Spanish he knows from the U-Scan, and he’s not afraid to use it! He’s been known to choose the Spanish option just for its educational value, but once almost paid for 22 limes instead of the 2 in his cart. At Mexican restaurants, he frequently impresses the waiters with his 100% legitimate (Michael-ized) Spanish, complete with the accent and all! (I may or may not hide under the table while he shows off his mad U-Scan skills.)……………WELL…the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…
This past weekend, my dad and mom took the boys to McDonald’s. My mom was trying to catch a picture of the action. But, it’s a hard enough feat to get both boys to even LOOK at the camera; much less get both boys to smile simultaneously. Nearby, there was a little Indian boy who was photobombing her pictures. With each attempt, he’d scoot closer to be posed with my boys in the picture. She first took this picture, still struggling to get everyone to look her way…
But it was then that my two-year-old, turned to the little Indian child and pulled one of his dad’s tricks. He looked right at the Indian boy and said, “UNO DOS”. And mom captured the reaction.
Can you tell he’s proud of his mad U-Scan Spanish skills? Like father, like son…