Sweet baby,
I love your little hands.
I love the smiles, of which you aren’t even aware.
I love your grunts.
I love the way you need me.
I love your soft skin.
I love how you spit up more on me than on yourself.
I love the strange faces that you make.
I love your puckered lips.
I love how you are learning to focus, but how you spend the majority of time with your eyes crossed.
I love to watch you sleep.
I love that you dirty a diaper right after you’ve been changed.
I love you even though you disturb my sleep.
I love you for nothing you’ve done.
I love you, sweet baby, just because.
My Bowling Ball Dropped
To continue on with the analogy from last post, my bowling ball has officially dropped and my little guy has now entered the world. Pierson Michael was born last Saturday morning at 10:38 a.m. For being 5+ weeks early, he was certainly a good size, and I’m quite thankful that I didn’t carry him the full 40 weeks… Let’s just say that my ‘bowling ball’ was a good enough size. I can’t imagine a 10+ pound baby!
Though previously having the thought that 99% of all babies are hideous ugly, please note that mine is definitely the exception. He’s beautiful. (I see you rolling your eyes now–It’s okay. hahahah!) I am smitten with my little fellow and am in love for the second time in my life. Being so early, he has been more on the jaundice side, but the doctors have been monitoring his levels and they are thankfully on the way down, and his weight is on its way up!
We are thanking the Lord for this precious little gift! I’m off to sleep! I’ll take it when I can.
Pregnancy Update
Month 1: I felt fabulous!
Month 2: I felt fabulous!
Month 3: I felt fabulous!
Month 4: I felt fabulous!
Month 5: I felt fabulous!
Month 6: I felt fabulous!
Month 7: I felt fabulous!
Month 8: I feel fabulous! A couple more side effects than before, though, that need mentioning:
- Sudden Urge to go the bathroom. Pee. Wait 5 minutes. Repeat. Cycle continues both day and night.
- If you’re wondering what pregnancy feels like, don’t put one of those pregnancy bellies like they have at a maternity clothing store up your shirt and think that it will feel remotely similar. Instead, to have a more accurate simulation, shove a bowling ball up your shirt and walk around with it all day. This will help to simulate the feeling of a pregnant belly and also give you an explanation as to why most pregnant women always walk around like they’ve got a bowling ball up their shirt.
- My old appendectomy scar that I received when I was in 7th grade has stretch marks extending diagonally from it. Now, it looks like I have the mark of Zorro on my belly. Riveting.
41 days left until due date! EEK!
Here’s the most recent pic, taken 3 weeks ago. I’ve ballooned since then and feel ginormus compared to this picture…So it’s not completely accurate, but you get the gist…
They say pregnancy messes with the brain…
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve done a few things that were drenched in dumbness.
- I shredded my keys/badges in the shredder at work…oops– Try explaining that one to the boss.
- I ordered a shower gift early, and printed out the directions only to find that the shower had already taken place ONE WEEK BEFORE.
- I asked a lady which cream pie was the coconut cream pie…(there were 2 cream pies on the table: banana, and coconut). She looked at me like I had just arrived on planet earth and said, “The coconut cream pie has the coconut sprinkled on top.” Why do they have to make things so difficult these days???
- I had another ‘incident’ but I’ve forgotten.
They say pregnancy messes with the brain. I think NOT! I’m normal, I promise.